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Interactive Environments with Open-Source Software: 3D Walkthroughs and Augmented Reality for Architects with Blender 2.43, DART 3.0 and ARToolKit 2.72

Thubnail Of Interactive Environments with Open-Source Software: 3D Walkthroughs and Augmented Reality for Architects with Blender 2.43, DART 3.0 and ARToolKit 2.72
237 Pages
36.51 MB

Wolfgang Höhl, An Architecture Software Specialist, Shows You How To Use Freeware Correctly For Architecture Visualizations In ‘Interactive Ambient’. The Book Begins With An Overview Of Real Time Visualization Possibilities Before Showing The Reader How To Work With Three Free Software Packages, Download PDF file of Interactive Environments with Open-Source Software: 3D Walkthroughs and Augmented Reality for Architects with Blender 2.43, DART 3.0 and ARToolKit 2.72, Published originally in 2008. This PDF file has 237 Pages pages and the PDF file size is 36.51 MB. The PDF file is written in English, Categorized in . As of 17 March 2025, this page has been bookmarked by 27,542 people. Now You Can Download "Interactive Environments with Open-Source Software: 3D Walkthroughs and Augmented Reality for Architects with Blender 2.43, DART 3.0 and ARToolKit 2.72 Book" as PDF or You Can See Preview By Clicking Below Button.

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